Friday, February 6, 2015

Talk to your kids about abuse.

    I can't express how important it is to have a relationship with your kids. Get to know who they are and what they like. Pay close attention them. Like I have said before it starts at home because, I didn't have a close relationship with my mom and I ended up making decisions that I regret. I get it, not all kids are going to listen to you but, at least you have have a relationship with them so, when they do find themselves in that bad relationship they can come and talk to you and let you know what is going on and give them the advice that they need. My daughter doesn't want to listen to me now and she is 16 but, I tell you what. I have talked to her about the signs of abuse and have let her aware what men try to do. Their first attack is to reach out to girls who don't have that relationship with their parents. Now I know you know someone like that. So, I can't stress that enough. Please no matter what age they are start that relationship with them so, you don't regret it later. Its never too late. We have to end this cycle in our community...please visit my website at findingfaithwithin.organd help support our community.

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